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SocioNeeds Index Suite Launched!

The SocioNeeds Index® Suite has been launched! Truckee Meadows Tomorrow is excited to announce that our Community Data Portal now includes three indices as part of the SocioNeeds Index® Suite, which provides analytics around social determinants of health to advance equitable outcomes. Each index summarizes multiple health and socioeconomic indicators into a validated composite score and is presented at the county, zip code, and census tract level.

  • Health Equity Index (formerly SocioNeeds Index®) - a measure of social determinants correlated with preventable hospitalizations and premature death

  • Food Insecurity Index – a measure of food access correlated with economic and household hardship

  • Mental Health Index (more details below) - a measure of social determinants and health factors correlated with self-reported poor mental health

You can find the links to the direct content here:

Check Out the New Mental Health Index

With the launch of the SocioNeeds Index® Suite, you now have access to HCI’s new Mental Health Index on

Mental health is known to be strongly correlated with financial stability, access to health care services, and social environment. The Mental Health Index considers validated indicators related to access to care, physical health status, transportation, employment, and household environment to identify areas at highest risk for experiencing poor mental health. All zip codes, census tracts, and counties in the United States are given an index value from 0 (low need) to 100 (high need). Communities with the highest values are estimated to have the highest socioeconomic and health needs correlated with self-reported poor mental health.

Let the index help you identify areas for prevention and early intervention to support better mental health outcomes in your community!


Quality of Life matters in Nevada is Truckee Meadows Tomorrow's Community Data Portal. It provides you with a free, dynamic, easy to use, one-stop digital resource for access to community quality of life data. Here you will find up-to-date demographic, education, environmental, economic, health, social determinant and equity data that highlights trends, challenges and opportunities in our Nevada communities; hundreds of maps, tables and figures and promising practices.

We encourage you to discover more about our Truckee Meadows community by checking out the site and diving into the data!


Learn more about Truckee Meadows Tomorrow - our mission, our work and our impact.

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