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Message from Our President

Marlene Rebori, President of Truckee Meadows Tomorrow Board of Directors
Marlene Rebori, President of Truckee Meadows Tomorrow Board of Directors

Greetings Community Members,

I love living in our Truckee Meadows Community. We are fortunate to have access to amazing outdoor recreation, opportunities for lifelong learning and world-class art and culture in our community.  For over 25 years, Truckee Meadows Tomorrow (TMT) has been an innovative organization focused on identifying and measuring our shared quality of life. While our process for engaging the community and tracking quality of life may have changed over the years, our shared vision and passion for our community has always remained steadfast, to provide objective, trusted data measures that empower residents to improve our quality of life.

Our 2020 Strategic Plan is long overdue and is our first comprehensive strategic plan in nearly 10 years. Despite the challenges we have all faced in 2020, TMT continues to move forward and achieve success. Staying true to our legacy of keeping community at the heart of our work, in 2020 we pivoted our in-person community conversations to virtual community conversations. Our data platform, Nevada Tomorrow still tracks our quality of life indicators but now contains more metrics, is easier to access, and freely available for anyone to use and provides critical data needed for grant proposals, community reports or needs assessments.  We continue to build partnerships to track and share data that our members and sponsors have come to expect as the oldest quality of life indicators organization in the nation. On behalf of the TMT Board of Directors, I encourage you to review our 2020 Strategic Plan. Explore where we’re headed and join with us as we take steps toward a brighter, more diverse and engaged community working to improve our quality of life for all residents. Sincerely,

Marlene Rebori  President, Truckee Meadows Tomorrow Board of Directors

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