Did you know that children and teenagers have far less access to mental health and substance abuse services in Nevada than in most other states? And that Mental Health America ranked Nevada 51st among states in seven categories of youths at risk? Psychological and emotional disturbances, substance abuse disorders, major depressive episodes and suicide rates are on the rise statewide. Learn what is what is being done to battle this growing issue.
Please use this list of incredible local, regional, and national resources to help you and your loved ones navigate mental health concerns.
You do not need to go it alone.
4H Mental Health Resource List
Addressing Youths' Mental Health Needs Resource List
Washoe County School District Counselling Office
Counseling and School Social Work WCSD Spanish: https://www.washoeschools.net/Page/3909
Emergency Services:
For emergencies, call 9-1-1.
For non-emergencies:
Washoe County Sheriff’s Office at 775-328-3001
City of Reno Police at 775-324-2121
City of Sparks Police at 775-353-2231.
Crisis Support Services of Nevada - It is normal to feel anxious at times like this. If you or someone you know is struggling and needs help, call 1 (800) 273-8255 or the local number 775-784-8090, text LISTEN to 839863 or check out our website at https://cssnv.org/ Crisis Support Services of Nevada’s staff and volunteers are here 24/7/365. You matter.
Nevada 211 - Find help 24/7 by dialing 2-1-1; texting 898-211 or visiting www.nevada211.org
Mobile Crisis Response Team – Call 775-688-1670 or visit http://www.knowcrisis.com/
Northern Nevada Child and Adolescent Services (NNCAS): NNCAS is a Community-Based Outpatient Mental Health Clinic associated with the Division of Child and Family Services. Their number is 775-688-1600. They offer a variety of services including psychiatry and therapy services. UNR-Med’s Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow’s see uninsured patients ages 11-17 for psychiatric services at NNCAS.
Office of Suicide Prevention - http://suicideprevention.nv.gov/
The Children’s Cabinet - Youth and Family Programs
Children's Cabinet Family & Youth Interventions (FYI) Department provides programs related to truancy, tutoring, youth employment, community service, case management, and counseling.
Youth Education & Training includes information about the Redfield Academy, Cabinet Ink, Washoe Youth Build, The Youth Collaboratory, community education, and re-engagement center.
Youth Programs includes information about programs for runaway and homeless youth, foster care youth, suicide, youth leadership and the Safe Place program.
Family Programs includes information about case management, family counseling, food pantries, and additional resources.
SAFEVOICE, For STUDENTS Use the SAFEVOICE App or log onto SafeVoiceNV.org, select your school, select event type or concern type or you may call the hotline at 1-833-216-7233
Community Health Alliance - Information for those families that need health care but don’t have the funds. 775.329.6300 https://www.chanevada.org/
Nevada Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation (Unemployment services) - File for unemployment online at ui.nv.gov/css.html. Call centers have extended their hours and can assist people from 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. Northern Nevada: 775-684-0350. Rural areas in Nevada and out-of-state residents: 888-890-8211
Norris Dupree: Pursuing Vision
Private counselling and support services for at-risk and in crisis youth
Now Matters Now - https://www.nowmattersnow.org
Substance Abuse Resources
National Drug Helpline offers 24/7 drug and alcohol help to those struggling with addiction. http://drughelpline.org/
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is a free, confidential 24/7, 365 day a year treatment, referral and information service 1-800-622-HELP (4357) https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline Substance Abuse Help Line- If you or someone you know has questions or concerns about substance abuse, please call the Help Line at (775) 825-HELP (4357), or toll-free: 1 (800) 450-9530. The Substance Abuse Help Line is a free, confidential, 24-hour-a-day phone line staffed by Crisis Call Center and available to residents throughout Nevada. Callers are provided with support and referrals to substance abuse treatment resources throughout the state. This service is made possible through a partnership with Join Together Northern Nevada, A Community Partnership Against Substance Abuse www.jtnn.org .
Medical Resources
Emotional Resources
CDC’s “Manage Anxiety and Stress” page provides what stress can look like and tips to manage that stress.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has a guide for parents and caregivers to help families cope with the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Mental Health America has compiled a range of resources and information on their “Mental Health and COVID-19” page.
The NYS Office of Mental Health’s “Managing Anxiety in an Anxiety Provoking Situation” resource page provides tips for all on how to manage anxiety surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak.
SAMHSA’s “Coping With Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks” page outlines the signs of stress and steps you can take to alleviate stress.
SAMHSA’s “Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health” page provides tips for social distancing, quarantine and isolation during an infectious disease outbreak.
SAMHSA’s “Talking With Children: Tips for Caregivers, Parents, and Teachers During Infectious Disease Outbreaks” page provides parents, caregivers, and teachers with strategies for helping children manage their stress during an infectious disease outbreak.
Vibrant Emotional Health’s Safe Space provides interactive coping tools to help users when they need it.
If you feel you or someone you know may need emotional support, please visit the Lifeline’s website at suicidepreventionlifeline.org for helpful resources or call 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The Lifeline is free, confidential, and available to everyone in the U.S. You do not have to be suicidal to call the Lifeline.
Talking to your Kids about Coronavirus:
American Academy of Pediatrics – caring for the health of your family and talking to kids about the virus. More information.
Collaborative for Social and Emotional Learning’s Guidelines for Parents and Caregivers provides short family tips for supporting your kids during COVID-19. More information.
Family Wellness, Social and Emotional Learning and Mental Health:
Taking care of your own mental health in uncertain times is important so you can support those around you. More information here.
Helping your family de-stress during the Coronavirus from Common Sense Media, click here
Suggested apps for self-care: Woebot, Calm, and more apps listed here.
Parents, Invest in Self-Care
Psychological First Aid training
https://learn.nctsn.org/course/index.php?categoryid=11 Please contact LHutchinson@washoeschools.net for training information.
Behavior help hotline
Washoe County School District behavior teams (general and special education) will be available via email or phone to support families and/or staff with behavioral needs. Please encourage families to reach out for individualized supports if they are struggling with setting up routines or schedules, behavioral challenges, etc. Contact information is below, as well as posted on the Distance Learning family communication website, as well as MTSS and Special Education. Please feel free to distribute widely.
Email: mtss@washoeschools.net
Phone: 775-337-7566
Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health
American Telehealth Association
National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers
Bias, Discrimination and Racism:
Teaching Tolerance’s article for speaking up against discrimination.
As we all work through these challenging times, it’s important to keep our minds focused on the many different acts of kindness and inspiration that are happening around the world. If your family is able to help, think about those in our community who might need assistance. Here’s a few ideas and articles to consider:
Grief/Loss information-
https://griefsupportnet.org/resources/community-support-and-covid-19/, https://www.education.pa.gov/Schools/safeschools/MentalHealth/Pages/GriefLoss.aspx,
Community Resources
Catholic charities is offering pantry pick up and most of their services are being offered through phone/email. Their resource hub can be accessed online at https://ccsnn.org/pages/resource-hub
Salvation army is offering food boxes between 8am-11am M-F. They are not currently accepting food or clothing vouchers since their stores are closed. Most of their services are still being offered face-to-face but older adults have the option to call and set up home delivery for food and supplies. https://reno.salvationarmy.org/
Children’s cabinet – offering curbside pickup of food boxes. They are offering crisis intervention services from 12p-7a M-F. https://www.childrenscabinet.org/
Community services agency is providing virtual services since their buildings are closed to the public. They can assist with unemployment applications. https://csareno.org/
WCSD Family Resource Center – all staff working remote except for curbside food donation pickup which is available.
Women and Children’s Center of the Sierras is still operating and has an open computer lab for individuals who need to access the internet. In addition, their diaper bank is still open. http://www.waccs.org/
Veteran’s services – A Veteran can call 207-830-2000 if they are in need.
Family Resources-https://nvhealthresponse.nv.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Planning-Information-for-Families.pdf
Panelists Include:
Bill Evans, PhD: Professor of Education and Human Development, Extension Specialist for Evaluation and Youth Development, University of Nevada, Reno
Norris Durpree, PhD: Founder of Pursuing Vision, Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, School Psychologist, and Marriage and Family Therapist
Katherine Loudon: Counselling Coordinator for Washoe County School District
Jacquelyn Kleinedler: Program Director for The Children’s Cabinet’s Family and Youth Intervention Department
Joshua Fitzgerald, MD: UNR School of Medicine, Assistant Professor; Fellowship Program Director
Hosted and Moderated by Erica Mirich, Executive Director of Truckee Meadows Tomorrow
This speaker series is made possible by the generous support of Renown Health Wells Fargo Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (EDAWN) City of Reno Government Arts and Cultural Commission OnStrategy CLA and NV Energy