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TMHC merges with TMT!

Truckee Meadows Healthy Communities merges with TMT for enhanced data visibility to improve quality of life in the Truckee Meadows

We are thrilled to announce that Truckee Meadows Healthy Communities (TMHC) is merging with Truckee Meadows Tomorrow (TMT) to better serve the growing needs of the community and improve quality of life for all in our region. Truckee Meadows Tomorrow will be the official name of the nonprofit moving forward.

“By merging, Truckee Meadows Tomorrow now becomes one of the largest and longest serving nonprofits in Northern Nevada that is focused on improving quality of life for residents,” said Erica Mirich, TMT’s executive director. “TMT is known for producing high-impact quality of life data and programming. The merger will allow TMT to use additional resources to not just identity health needs in the community but focus on solutions as well.”

Prior to the merger, Truckee Meadows Healthy Communities advocated for policy changes to improve the health of our community and address factors that lead to health inequities. The organization received a $500,000 BUILD Health Challenge grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which will now be led by Truckee Meadows Tomorrow. The purpose of the award, which was matched by Washoe County Health District, Renown Health, Hometown Health and Geriatric Specialty Care, is to prevent senior loneliness, isolation and mental health concerns. Other initiatives included affordable housing, behavioral health, and physical activity and nutrition.

Truckee Meadows Tomorrow takes over that role and will integrate it into existing community efforts and initiatives, which includes leadership in quality-of-life data as it relates to topics such as overall community demographics, environment, economy, education, health, social determinants and equity. That data is easily comparable with local, state, and national jurisdictions, side by side.

TMT is also the trusted conduit for meaningful community conversation in northern Nevada with its speaker series. and connects the dots between the relevant data and how it can positively impact the people who live, work, and play here in the Truckee Meadows.

Community health indicator data will continue to be compiled, contextualized, and presented with the intent of better informing decisions, projects and policies affecting Nevadans. The now-unified teams will be tasked with developing new products and revenue streams to ensure data collected from research and initiatives is free, accessible, and enables Nevadans to understand and develop solutions to our community needs

“The merger presents an unprecedented opportunity to unify and create positive health changes for a better tomorrow at the local, regional, and statewide levels,” said Kevin Dick, Washoe County District Health Officer and TMHC Board President said.

Marlene Rebori, current TMT Board President added, “The absorption of TMHC into TMT reflects a logical collaboration of how our community can work together on promoting, strengthening and tracking our Quality of Life in the region.”

TMHC and TMT will finalize their merger October 15. 2021. The unified operations moving forward will streamline programming, save costs and encourage collaboration and community building by sharing data, expertise and resources for their shared constituency.

To track the progress of the combined organizations and access the best compilation of actionable quality of life date for our region residents are advised to visit, and engage on social media channels.

About Truckee Meadows Tomorrow:

For almost 30 years Truckee Meadows Tomorrow has been the leading source of quality-of-life data and the trusted conduit for meaningful community conversation in northern Nevada. TMT connects with the residents of our Truckee Meadows community to uncover what matters most to the people who live, work, and play here, then advocates for positive change that improves those quality-of-life metrics for citizens.

TMT endeavors to democratize data by providing the northern Nevada community with the most accurate, timely, relevant information possible through its initiatives, including the Nevada Tomorrow Community Data Tool and the Community Conversation Speaker Series.

By merging with Truckee Meadows Health Communities, Truckee Meadows Tomorrow will expand operations to advocate for solutions to solve specific health needs and improve quality of life in the community.

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© 2020 by Truckee Meadows Tomorrow. Proudly created by PIVOT Creative and Consulting. 

Truckee Meadows Tomorrow, PO BOX 20664 • Reno, NV 89515

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